PPAG Centre of Excellence Holds Learning and Sharing Forum Held in Tanzania
In December 2021, the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG), one of IPPF’s Centres of Excellence (CoE) for youth programming, hosted Anglophone
Member Associations (MAs) of the IPPF in a learning and sharing forum to deliberate on and advance youth centred programming across the MAs.
The forum sought to facilitate capacity building and knowledge exchange, and the operationalization of the Youth-Centred Approach (YCA) in adolescent and youth SRHR programming among IPPF MAs and selected youth centred organizations; to ensure effective development and delivery of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Youth Friendly Health SRHR Services, while promoting Meaningful Youth Participation (MYP).
Among other things, the forum brought together Seven MAs EDs YouthProgrammes Focal Persons and Young People from the Selected MAs, a representation of the ATBEDF ED and CoE Officer as well as the CoE Officer from the Africa Regional Office to review the current state of youth programming by various MAs; facilitated the development of a youth programmes conceptual framework based on the core objectives of the CoE programme and the YCA; review and agree on various guidelines and tools being developed adapted under CoE programme for the Youth Programming, including the Inside and Out Tool, YCA Guide; the Provide Tool; and MYP Guide and facilitate the sharing of technical guidance for youth programme by experts selected form other institutional partners outside IPPF (UNFPA, WHO, UNESCO) As part of the strategy to facilitate learning exchange, the forum participants were also hosted at UMATI to participate in and learn about the MAs specialised youth Weekend Clinic initiative for possible replication by participating MAs.
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